Saturday 25 August 2012

About Input devices

                                             INPUT DEVICES

Input is any data or instruction; you entered into the memory of computer. An input device converts input data and instructions into binary from for acceptance by the computer. or roll a wheel to input instructions to the computer. A microphone allows you to speak into the computer.
A number of other inputs devices are:-

(1). Keyboard
(2). Mouse
(3). Joystick
(4). Trackball
(5). Light Pen
(6). Graphic Tablet

(7). Touch Screen
(8). Scanner

  You press those key to make your data enter the computer.. .Desktop computer keyboard typically have 101 to 105 keys. Keyboard for smaller computers such a notebook computers fewer keys. Keyboard is the input devices used commonly with the computer.


       A mouse is a pointing device that fits comfortable under the palm of your hand. When the mouse is moved. The top of mouse has one to three buttons; some also have a small wheel. It movement is controlled by two rotating wheels on the base of the mouse.

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